It is a great advantage to be able to learn and become aware of all the resources that are made available. There are resources to find information regarding statistics on just about anything that you want. One resource that I found very interesting is the VirtualLibrary Statistics. The virtual library offers links to statistics from Universities all around the world, worldwide research groups, and statistical archives, and Journals.
There is no doubt that the amount of information regarding statistics is massive, and can find myself spending countless hours learning about all the different resources that are available. I am looking to find ways that I can use statistics to help evaluate my teams progress, and evaluate player productivity. I am looking forward to continuing to use these resourses through this course and program! Having a personal website can be very advantageous to in a variety of different ways. You have the control to select and display the information of your choice and also getting to choose the format in which you would like to display it. Your personal web page displays a professional profile that will allow others to gain information that you make available to them. Depending on your profession, and the purpose of personal web page you insert any information that would be beneficial to you professionally. I do not see any cons to having your own personal website because you have the complete control to what you would like to include or make available on your website.
LinkedIn is a social network geared for your professional connections and offers a platform to insert all professional information. LinkedIn is commonly used by most professionals and a great way to get connected with people that share a similar profession. In finding jobs, it is often times more important who you know than anything else. LinkedIn offers a great platform where people can easily share contacts, offer recommendations, and access all professional information needed. I also see linkedIn as an advantageous to all qualified professionals. The only disadvantage could be to less qualified applicants because they can easily be compared to professionals with more experience or education. Facebook main advantage is that everyone is on Facebook. It is a very easy way to keep in contact and reach people. Facebook focuses on more social connections rather than professional. Many people do not enjoy the use of Facebook for this reason, they do not want to have a connection with their friends and social acquaintances with their professional connections and career. I do view Facebook as having the same professional advantages as a professional website or LinkedIn, based on the fact that Facebook is primarily used for social relations. My strategies for professional networking all lead to developing a personal, trusted, relationship with all contacts. I believe you must show kindness and sincerity to all, be true to your word and handle tasks promptly, maintain a good attitude by being positive, and connecting and keeping in touch with your network.
It is key to show kindness and be sincere to all people. This entails being a good listener and communicator to everyone. Displaying this type of behavior is appreciated by others and lets them know that you care about them. This will give you a foundation to develop a professional relationship or even friendship, and will allow others to trust you, and recommend you to others. Keeping your word and doing the things that you say you are going to do is vital to building strong relationships and networks. If you are able to do this, and do it in a prompt fashion, your network will be able to have great trust in you, and confidence that you can deliver when needed. Having a positive attitude and mentality will leave a lasting impression on others. Being positive is contagious to others. Executing tasks and being productive has a huge mental component. Being positive and confident will help you work well with others, motivate others, and help you perform your tasks more efficiently! When meeting new people it is very important that you are able to connect with them, and continue to keep in touch. This can be done in a variety of different ways such as exchanging phone numbers, email address, or even various networking sites such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. This will allow you to keep in touch and continue to develop relationships with your network. Having the priority of keeping in touch and following up with your professional networks is key so that you can continue to communicate. Showing kindness, being true to your word, handling professional duties promptly, and staying connected to your network will allow you to develop trusted relationships that are key to professional networking and will surely open many doors for you professionally. Please feel free to comment on any additional strategies that you believe to help you in professional networking! A Wiki is a website that allows users to collaborate by adding or editing the content on a webpage. Allowing a website to be editable to all users can be extremely helpful in many different ways. A Wiki website can be helpful brainstorming ideas between any group, organizing any event, or collaborating information of any kind. Wikipedia is the most common “Wiki” website today. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that is editable to all users.
Wikis can be a great source for learning however, allowing the public to make additions to a webpage can have disadvantages. Some Wikis only allow authorized authors to add or edit content on a site. I believe these types of wikis to be more reliable than those that are editable to the public. This can ensure that the authorized users are credible sources that can be trusted. I am looking forward to being able to use Wiki sites and documents to help aid in communication and collaboration for many different events and webpages. Linkedin and Facebook are both useful networking sites that contain many advantages. Linkedin is focused on professional networking while Facebook is primarily focused on social networking between friends and family. Linkedin is focused on professional or business contacts, and is a great platform to advertise professional information such as resumes, experience, and job searches. Facebook is geared towards social networking has a news feed, instant messaging, profile walls, groups, and fan pages, all aspects that Linkedin does not contain. Facebook and Linkedin are both great networking sites, Linkedin focusing on professional networking, while Facebook is focused upon social networking.
Check me out on LinkedIn! My Personal Web Presence provides easy access to my professional and social network information to all readers. It should contain information regarding my Professional goals, philosophy, education, experience, certifications, and social and professional networks such as linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Scoopit. My portfolio allows visitors access to all my professional and social information in one place. This opens a great opportunity to better learn, share, and be connected professionally and socially!
I have enjoyed reviewing and studying all the different applications for mobile devices. Taking this course has come at the perfect time. Two weeks ago I got my first smartphone, allowing me to download all different types of applications. I have already downloaded about 20 apps since the purchase of my new phone! I do not expect all of these apps will be useful or that I will keep all of these apps. I have downloaded apps for Facebook, Pandora, Instagram, Scrabble, Groupons, Snapchat, My24, Paymo, Evernote, BofA, QRCodeScanner, Genius Scan, Coaches eyes, Spotify, and more!
Many of these apps offer the advantage of having a greater connection to my social and professional networks, allowing me to have instant access on my mobile device! Apps such as BofA and My24 (24 hour fitness) allows me to save time getting by information quicker that I usually needed to get from my lap top. These apps offer great potential to endless amounts of industries allowing access to useful tools and information from the grasps of your fingertips. One app that I am looking forward to using is “coaches eye.” This allows you to record and analyze videos performing any action. It allows you easily stop, mark, and zoom during all moments of the video, and even the ability to compare two different videos at the same time. This can be very useful for all coaches and athletes! |