Having a personal website can be very advantageous to in a variety of different ways. You have the control to select and display the information of your choice and also getting to choose the format in which you would like to display it. Your personal web page displays a professional profile that will allow others to gain information that you make available to them. Depending on your profession, and the purpose of personal web page you insert any information that would be beneficial to you professionally. I do not see any cons to having your own personal website because you have the complete control to what you would like to include or make available on your website.
LinkedIn is a social network geared for your professional connections and offers a platform to insert all professional information. LinkedIn is commonly used by most professionals and a great way to get connected with people that share a similar profession. In finding jobs, it is often times more important who you know than anything else. LinkedIn offers a great platform where people can easily share contacts, offer recommendations, and access all professional information needed. I also see linkedIn as an advantageous to all qualified professionals. The only disadvantage could be to less qualified applicants because they can easily be compared to professionals with more experience or education.
Facebook main advantage is that everyone is on Facebook. It is a very easy way to keep in contact and reach people. Facebook focuses on more social connections rather than professional. Many people do not enjoy the use of Facebook for this reason, they do not want to have a connection with their friends and social acquaintances with their professional connections and career. I do view Facebook as having the same professional advantages as a professional website or LinkedIn, based on the fact that Facebook is primarily used for social relations.
LinkedIn is a social network geared for your professional connections and offers a platform to insert all professional information. LinkedIn is commonly used by most professionals and a great way to get connected with people that share a similar profession. In finding jobs, it is often times more important who you know than anything else. LinkedIn offers a great platform where people can easily share contacts, offer recommendations, and access all professional information needed. I also see linkedIn as an advantageous to all qualified professionals. The only disadvantage could be to less qualified applicants because they can easily be compared to professionals with more experience or education.
Facebook main advantage is that everyone is on Facebook. It is a very easy way to keep in contact and reach people. Facebook focuses on more social connections rather than professional. Many people do not enjoy the use of Facebook for this reason, they do not want to have a connection with their friends and social acquaintances with their professional connections and career. I do view Facebook as having the same professional advantages as a professional website or LinkedIn, based on the fact that Facebook is primarily used for social relations.